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Immaculate Constellation: Pentagon Whistleblower Reveals Secret UFO Program

A whistleblower reveals the Pentagon’s secret UFO program, sparking concerns about government transparency and hidden evidence.

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A recent revelation by a Pentagon whistleblower has disclosed the existence of a highly classified government program called “Immaculate Constellation.”

Reported by journalist Michael Shellenberger on his Substack newsletter ‘Public,’ this secret Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) allegedly deals with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), formerly referred to as UFOs, and has operated for decades without Congressional oversight, raising concerns about government transparency.

According to the whistleblower, elements within the military and intelligence community (IC) have withheld information about UAPs, violating constitutional obligations. Shellenberger notes, “There is a growing body of evidence that the government is not being transparent about what it knows about UAPs.”

The unnamed whistleblower said the Department of Defense created “Immaculate Constellation” in 2017 after a New York Times report revealed another program known as the Advance Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

The whistleblower report cites evidence, including allegations about UAP sightings collected by the Pentagon and intelligence documenting firsthand encounters with UAPs or UFOs that are kept in a database used by the intelligence community.

The report is also said to describe various UAPs in detail, including one where orbs surrounded an F-22 and forced it out of its patrol area and one where the crew of a Navy aircraft saw an orange-red sphere descend from a high altitude, after which they described a sense of unease and feeling as if they’d snapped out of a trance.

The whistleblower’s report outlines seven categories of evidence, detailing various UAP sightings captured by U.S. military sensors and personnel. It claims that “the verifiable chain of custody for UAP IMINT [Imagery Intelligence] collected by U.S. military assets ensures a high level of confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the data gathered.” The report also mentions “alien reproduction vehicles” (ARVs) being secured within this program. The whistleblower further warned that publishing the name “Immaculate Constellation” could lead to government surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

These revelations align with former President Donald Trump’s ongoing claims that the government is withholding information about UAPs. In a June 2024 interview, Trump said, “I have access, and I speak to people about it. I’ve had actual meetings on it. And they will tell you there’s something going on.” He has frequently expressed frustration over the government’s secrecy, stating that his administration sought to release more information to the public.

Lawmakers like Senators Marco Rubio and Kirsten Gillibrand, who have pushed for greater transparency on UAPs, have voiced concerns about the lack of accountability. “Most of [the UAP whistleblowers] have held very high clearances and high positions within our government,” Rubio said last year.

While the full extent of “Immaculate Constellation” remains unclear, the disclosure has reignited public interest in UAP investigations. The Pentagon has yet to respond to the new allegations, though it previously denied any reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial technology. Whistleblowers, however, continue to claim that crucial information about UAPs is being hidden from Congress.

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Immaculate Constellation: Pentagon Whistleblower Reveals Secret UFO Program

488 , 2024-10-09 17:03:28 , 00:01:12



Pentagon whistleblower,UFO program,secret UAP program,Immaculate Constellation,UAP disclosure,Michael Shellenberger,UFO sightings,government transparency,UAP encounters,UAP imagery,classified UAP evidence,alien reproduction vehicles,Pentagon secrets,UAP cover-up,Pentagon,whistleblower,UFOs,UFO evidence,government secrecy,UFO whistleblower,UFO disclosure,Congress UFO oversight,UFO investigation,ARVs,aliens,top secret,conspiracy,substack,existence,UAP

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