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In the ancient world there were 3 muscles that every dad had…

That sent a message to any threat around: “Don’t mess with my family.”

But today these 3 muscles are almost extinct. Instead…

They’ve been replaced with noodle arms and beer bellies…

Which sends a different message: “Daddy can’t take care of me.”

Hi. I’m David McMenomey… Founder of the ground-shaking new movement, DadStrong…

And in a minute I’ll reveal…

Using a unique order of movements that you’ve never seen in any workout program before…

That’s been shown to unlock hidden “doors” that every man has inside these specific muscles…

And once these doors are open…

A fresh surge of primal, man-hancing hormones will stampede through your body like never before in your adult life…

So you can replace your soft and scrawny “dad bod”… with a lean, strong, and fit body in record time…

And be the “rock” your family needs in this stressed-out, spread-thin, upside-down world we live in…

Because when you train these 3 ancient “provider and protector” muscles…

Your body will transform in a shockingly short amount of time… and you’ll go from feeling 3/10 energy on a “good” day to 10/10 energy every day.

You can do it without…

You’ll discover the strange similarities in a minute…

And how for thousands of years men have used these muscles to defend their families in ways that’ll likely surprise you…

Plus groundbreaking studies from top universities in the United States and Canada that suggest training these 3 specific muscles in a unique way…

Can quickly reshape your physique… so you can become the strongest version of you since the kids came along. And…

Because there’s nothing your family needs more than for you to be strong, driven, and full of passion…

And you simply can’t be that man if your organs are being squeezed to death by visceral body fat…

You want to crash on the couch when you get home from work… because you’re too tired to do anything else…

Or your health is like a ticking time bomb… but instead of fighting back, you let your body fall apart right in front of their eyes…

But I bet deep down, you know…

Because if you leave them behind too soon…

Who will defend them from dangerous men in the crazy times we live in…

Or provide for them and make sure they don’t end up on the street…

Or hold them close when it feels like the world is crashing down?

You can’t do that if you’re not here, bub…

And the little things matter, too…

Like teaching your kids how to swing a baseball bat…

Showing your grandkids how to bait a hook and catch a fish…

Dancing with your daughter on her wedding day…

And the good news is, you don’t have to…

No matter how hard you’ve “fallen off the wagon”… “let yourself go”… or however else you want to spin it…

What’s done is done… and today can be the beginning of a new you…

Because when you train these 3 specific muscles… using a 7-minute workout that’s so simple you can do it in the room you’re sitting in…

You’ll flip an ancient body-hardening “switch” that every man is born with… but very few tap into…

That’s designed to quickly build chiseled muscles so powerful it could scare off wild predators… and any guy who catches you from a distance…

While at the same time shredding 1 pound of pure body fat every 48-hours… and skyrocketing your daily energy like a rocket.

But before I tell you exactly what these 3 ancient “provider and protector” muscles are… and how to build them in minutes…

Like I mentioned earlier, I’m David McMenomey…

A movement of men who want to become the best version of themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually…

Because we believe that thriving families begin with thriving fathers.

I’m NOT a fitness “guru”…

I’m just a dad and husband who started gaining weight and losing muscle after getting married and having kids…

For most of my life, I was in pretty good shape…

I had a fast metabolism which kept me lean… and while I was never the biggest guy in college, I felt pretty comfortable with my shirt off at the beach. But…

Don’t get me wrong… holding him in my arms for the first time was the most special moment of my life…

And when we brought him home I felt more joy than I ever had before. But…

Fatherhood came with a new set of challenges. I’m sure you can relate…

I gained a kid… but lost all my free time.

I had a stressful job that kept me at the office 60 hours a week…

Which didn’t bother me one bit. I loved spending time with him and giving my wife a break…

But it didn’t leave me much time to workout, “meal prep”… or do any of the other stuff that kept me in good shape before…

My diet totally went out the window, too.

It was so much easier to pick up fast food on the way home from work than it was for either of us to make something for dinner. And…

There’s something about the stress of having a newborn that made me want to “pig out” on junk food and leftovers every time we finally got him down for a nap.

It hit me out of nowhere…

One day when I was in the shower, I looked down to wash my stomach… and I couldn’t even see my “manhood” because my big gut was in the way!

I could pinch at least two inches of fat all around my midsection and love handles…

My chest and arm muscles got soft and flabby… and even though I gained a lot of weight… I looked scrawnier than ever in my adult life.

When I looked at myself in the mirror… I got angry.

And in my worst moments I was tempted to play the “blame game”… and put my job, my wife, my son… everyone at fault, but me.

When your first child was born, you felt the crushing weight of responsibility…

You couldn’t just do what you wanted anymore.

You had mouths to feed and everyone’s counting on you…

So you made sacrifices and lost yourself along the way…

But I’m here to remind you that you need to get back to being you again. Because…

So taking care of yourself is taking care of your family…

And the good news is you don’t have to sacrifice family time to do it…

It doesn’t matter what the number is on the scale…

How many candles are on the birthday cake…

Or how miserable you may feel right now…

Because when you train the ancient “provider and protector” muscles I was telling you about earlier…

It’s like your body “auto-corrects”…

Swapping the 21st century “dad bod” for something more like Tarzan…

And at the same time it reignites you with a sense of purpose…

Your energy comes stampeding back…

It even gives you more swagger in the bedroom… so you and your wife can have the same kind of fun that got you the kids in the first place.

I know it’s hard to believe that training just 3 muscles can do that… but in a minute you’ll see exactly why, and it’ll make all the sense in the world…

So keep reading, because I’ll share exactly what these muscles are soon…

You don’t need a ton of willpower or an empty afternoon. You don’t even have to change what you eat.

And the best part is, this 7-minute workout won’t kick your butt so hard that all you want to do is nap afterwards…

Because your family needs you to be BETTER after your workouts… not too tired to play or grumpy because you’re starving all the time. And…

I don’t care if you’ve tried getting back in shape a million times before…

This method is strange, and unlike anything you’ve ever tried…

I know what it’s like to feel like you’ve completely lost control…

For your wife to look at you differently because of those unwanted changes…

To feel worried about your health… and helpless to fix it…

And quite frankly, there was a time when I was ready to quit and accept my fate as just another weak, overweight dad…

But I thank God I didn’t, because my kids need a strong dad and so do yours…

And that’s when, along my own journey…

Take a look at this gorilla…

Gorillas are the “alphas” of the jungle…

And there are 3 muscles that stand out on a gorilla that makes him terrifying to other wildlife…

And this is going to help us understand our “provider and protector” muscles.

While gorillas are stacked with hundreds of pounds of muscle from head to toe…

I’ll tell you exactly what they are in a minute…

But the strange thing is…

Gorillas don’t carry all this muscle in their upper bodies for “practical” reasons…

Like swinging on vines or climbing trees.

Young gorillas can do those things. But an adult gorilla this size can’t. He has too much muscle.

The reason gorillas are stacked with muscle in the 3 specific areas I’ll tell you about in a second…

Is to assert their dominance. These muscles tell predators to “back off”. And the bigger these muscles are… the less likely they are to be attacked.

The same is true of our ancient human ancestors.

Men with these 3 defined muscle groups were the warriors. The protectors. The providers.

They took down predators 5x their size… and dragged those massive beasts back to their camp so everyone could eat…

When they were around… the women and children felt safe…

Women found them irresistible because they knew if they mated with these men… they’d have strong babies who could survive the harsh elements of ancient life…

And just like for gorillas… men with these 3 key muscles sent a message to every threatening tribe around: “Don’t mess with us”…

And the same is true today…

We live in a dangerous world. Sometimes it feels like the scariest time in history…

The question you need to ask yourself is what message yours is sending…

Because if you can grab two or more inches of fat around your belly… and you’ve got little visible muscle on your body…

Then you are NOT sending the “don’t mess with my family” message. Actually…

You may even be inviting danger into your life and your family’s lives.

Which family is more likely to be attacked by a dangerous man with a knife…

The family with the doughy, slow, clearly exhausted dad…

Or the family with the muscular, strong, alpha-looking dad?

We both know the answer to that question…

Because the same rules apply today like they did thousands of years ago…

But there are a handful of men who are still stacked with these “lost” muscle groups…

And it doesn’t matter how loud the media shouts “toxic masculinity”… or how hard politicians try to blur the lines between genders…

Men with a lot of muscle in these specific areas… are considered healthy, attractive, and they command respect whenever they step into the room…

And I want to help you build these key muscles so you can send the right message when you’re out with your family…

Or in other environments where it pays to be the “alpha male”… like at the office… and even when you and your wife are alone in the bedroom…

Not only because of the “intimidation factor” they provide…

But also because inside these muscles are millions of tiny “doors” called “testosterone receptors”…

And when you “open” those doors it makes it so much easier to build a chiseled body… get ripped abs… and gain the vitality of a Spartan warrior.

I’ll explain how it works in a minute…

And that’s not your fault, because what I found while digging through research on these muscle groups…

Is that 99% of workouts don’t focus on training these ancient “provider and protector” muscles in a way that’s been proven to work…

And NONE of them can help you tap-into the power of these muscles in just 7-minutes from the comfort of your own living room.

But once you get this right…

And start training these key muscles in a very specific way that you’ll learn about in a minute…

Drop pant sizes faster than most guys think possible…

Get showered with compliments from your wife and peers…

Replace the double-chin with a chiseled GI-Joe jawline…

Feel confident when your shirt comes off by the pool or in the bedroom…

And have the energy to set the pace with your kids…

Whether you’re spending the day at the zoo, going for a hike, or having a new family adventure you’ve never tried before…

And you’ll live with the passion and purpose that every dad needs…

Your wife will get that “dreamy” look in her eyes when she looks at you again… and have tons of respect for the man you’ve become…

She’ll feel proud of you for taking care of your health…

And will probably want to have more fun in the bedroom because of how attracted she is to your new look.

For the first time in a long time…

You’ll feel like the provider AND protector you were created to be the moment you brought your first child home from the hospital…

Your motivation will shoot through the roof… you’ll have a new sense of drive… you’ll set an amazing example for your kids…

No more feeling disappointed when you look in the mirror… and cringing when you step on the scale…

Getting winded after climbing a flight of stairs… feeling sore after doing basic chores like mowing the lawn or putting away the groceries…

Or being the dad who’s too tired to spend time with his family…

Or gets grumpy when the kids are all wound-up with energy but you’re struggling to keep your eyes open.

All you have to do is train these 3 muscles in a very specific way…

And you’ll feel like you’ve regained years of lost energy, muscle, and vitality…

But before I tell you HOW to do it, I bet you’re wondering…

These muscles represent power, dominance, and ultimate masculinity…

Not only because of how intimidating they are. But also because…

And as the name suggests…

Testosterone receptors are where testosterone… your body’s most powerful male hormone… exits your bloodstream and enters your DNA.

And when testosterone enters your DNA, it helps you…

And after getting married and having kids…

Meaning this powerful male hormone is blocked from getting into your DNA…

Making it feel impossible to get the body and life you want. And…

It doesn’t matter if you “boost” your testosterone levels by eating certain foods or doing other workouts either…

Because if the “door” is closed, none of it can get through and make a difference. In fact…

A study from McMaster University found that even when men followed a “testosterone boosting” workout plan…

So, how do you “open” your testosterone receptors in these 3 “provider and protector” muscles?

You need to train these 3 muscle groups in a very specific way at the beginning of your workout.

By doing so, you’ll “open” your testosterone receptors…

So that during the next phase of your workout… (which also requires a very specific set of exercises)…

Your powerful testosterone hormones can enter into your DNA through those newly opened “doors”. 11 12 13

In the study, men were told to do a testosterone-boosting workout one day…

And the next day, they were told to follow a “testosterone receptor” protocol BEFORE they started the testosterone-boosting workout…

And the results showed that when they activated the receptors inside their shoulders, upper chest, and upper back first…

They were able to build muscle and burn fat faster… (because more testosterone got into their DNA through the receptors)…

Plus, as a bonus, their bodies released even more testosterone for the rest of the workout.

I’ll show you what these specific testosterone receptor exercises are in a minute…

And how you can start using them from home to build the body you want… in a fraction of the time it would take you at the gym. Because…

So I didn’t only begin to add this unique style workout to my own training…

So I could build my own body faster, reclaim my lost masculinity, and become the man I want to be for my family…

But I decided to take what I learned…

About this powerful way to “open” your testosterone receptors and maximize results from your workouts…

And combine it into a program that any guy could pick up and start using right away.

Beginning with your very first workout… that starts with 7-minutes of testosterone receptor activation.

Whether you’re getting off the couch for the first time in years… or you just want a convenient program that fits into your busy schedule…

By following this unique strategy of activating your testosterone receptors… and then doing movements that skyrocket testosterone levels in seconds…

You’ll safely and powerfully melt fat and harden-up your physique…

And feel as strong and confident as ever before in your adult life…

And with a new sense of “self” so you can be a husband and dad that gets BETTER as the years go by…

All from the comfort of your own home in a few minutes!

The powerful at-home program designed to help open your “testosterone receptors” and release a flood of testosterone into your DNA in minutes…

So you can strip away years of body fat… build lean, attractive muscle… enjoy seamless daily energy… and feel like YOU again…

And starting with your first workout you’ll begin to replace the stubborn “dad bod” with a body that looks, feels, and moves like it did years ago…

So you can stay active with your kids, keep the fire alive with your wife, accomplish more, and get the most out of every moment you’ve been given.

Each workout inside this program is 21-minutes long…

And each workout is broken up into 3 7-minute phases…

In the first 7-minutes of your workout, you’ll open your body’s “testosterone receptors”.

Your “testosterone receptors” are mostly found in your shoulders, upper chest, And upper back…

And you can “open” those receptors… and increase the amount of receptors you have…

By doing exercises that target those specific muscle groups.

This phase is key because studies show having active “testosterone receptors” is more important for getting results than doing movements that only increase testosterone levels…

The more testosterone receptors you activate during phase I… the bigger the impact you’ll get during phase II and phase III of your workouts.

Now that you’ve “opened” your “testosterone receptors” you want to do exercises that release testosterone…

This way, testosterone goes into those newly opened “testosterone receptors”… enters your DNA… and gives you the MAX testosterone boost during your workout…

Which makes it easier to burn fat, build muscle, recover… and regain “lost” energy and libido.

Studies show that while training your shoulders, upper chest, and upper back are the best for activating your “testosterone receptors”…

Lower body exercises are the best for increasing testosterone production… so this phase will involve mostly lower body or full body movements.

In this phase of your workout, you’ll do a form of high intensity cardio.

Getting your heart rate up is crucial for burning fat…

And studies show you get the “biggest bang for your buck” when you do short bursts of fat-burning cardio.

High intensity cardio has been shown to increase metabolism and boost fat loss for up to 48 hours after a workout!

So the exercises in this phase will help you lose lots of fat and stay in “fat burning mode” long after your workout is finished.

All you have to do is follow the simple program as I’ve laid it out for you… and you’re golden.

Imagine how it’ll feel when you start to see lean cuts of muscle in your chest, shoulders, and arms…

Your shirts fit tight in all the right places like around your biceps… and loose in all the uncomfortable places like around your belly…

You feel confident when your shirt comes off on vacation or in the bedroom.

When you go in for your next checkup, your doctor says you’re strong as an ox and healthy as a horse…

And instead of jotting down a new prescription… he’s talking about getting you off the medication you may be taking right now…

And with all of these amazing changes to your body and health…

Your wife is proud of you… and looks at you the same way she did when you first started dating…

If you have young kids, they’ll think of you like their own personal superhero because of how strong and muscular you are…

And if you have older kids, you can make more memories together doing fun activities like hiking, skiing, or anything else you enjoy…

And you’ll do it all without giving up the foods you love or your wife’s cooking… or sacrificing time with family to make it happen…

This isn’t some impossible dream… it’s all at your fingertips right now…

My mission is to help as many dads as possible be the best men they can be… physically, mentally, and spiritually…

And experience a life of satisfaction and abundance while making the most of the time you’ve been given with your loved ones…

So I don’t want money to stand in the way of you getting your copy of Back To You Blueprint today…

I won’t charge anywhere near that. In fact…

I won’t even charge half that…

And because this is a brand new method… and the only program that helps men activate “testosterone receptors” for the fastest results from home…

I want to give it away for a limited-time new release discount. So…

When you take action and grab your copy of Back To You Blueprint today…

And if you decide to go through the program more than once…

And that’s much more affordable than hiring an expensive personal trainer that costs 10x as much…

Or spending money on a gym membership you never use…

Or wasting a bunch of money on scammy supplements that don’t work.

It saves you from all the frustration of trying to figure out how to get in shape on your own…

And wasting time on training programs and nutrition plans that don’t work or only give you slow-mo results…

Not to mention all the money you’ll save on doctor’s visits and medical bills when you take care of your health with this routine…

So with all that in mind…

To order your copy of Back To You Blueprint…

All you have to do is…

After you do that you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order…

And you’ll gain access to everything inside the program in less than 60-seconds after that.

You’re NOT too busy…

I created the Back To You Blueprint to meet you right where you’re at so you can experience an amazing transformation that rocks your world… and changes your life for the better.

To make your decision even easier…

Over the next 30-days with the Back To You Blueprint…

You’ll follow the best at-home workouts for busy dads who want to build a better body and live a happier life…

And when you pair the program with this simple nutrition guide you’ll get a better looking body than you likely dreamed possible in just 30-days…

And when you follow it, you’ll likely drop 7 lbs or more in the first week… and feel like “you 2.0” with all your newfound energy.

Inside the Back To You Blueprint Nutrition Guide you’ll get…

If you want to get the best and fastest results from your workouts… and save a bunch of time while you’re at it…

Then you need to know HOW to do each exercise inside the Back To You Blueprint…

And that’s why when you order your copy today, you’ll also get step-by-step exercise execution videos and an execution guide pdf…

So you can have the most success during the program.

Smoothies are one of the fastest ways to fill your body with the nutrients you need to boost testosterone, burn fat, and recharge your energy levels…

And inside this bonus you’ll get 6 Vitality Smoothies that make you feel years younger and more powerful with every sip.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll get inside:

I’m pulling out all the “stops” because I’m serious about helping you get the best results when you order the Back To You Blueprint today…

And I firmly believe this is the solution you’ve been searching for…

Because Back To You Blueprint checks off all the boxes you need in a training program. It’s…

And I’m so confident this is the right program for you that I want to make it a “no brainer” for you to order your copy today…

That’s why when you order Back To You Blueprint I’ll protect your purchase with a risk-free money back guarantee.

I’m so confident that the Back To You Blueprint will help you get the results I promised today…

That I’m willing to put all the risk on my own shoulders so you can order your copy risk-free.

If this program doesn’t help you look, feel, and perform better within 60-days of purchasing and putting it to use… or if there’s anything that doesn’t meet your expectations…

Just let me know and you’ll get a full refund on your investment.

No questions asked. No hassles. No problem.

You’ve got nothing to lose and a better body and life to gain.

If you follow the program as I’ve laid it out…

I have no doubt you’ll begin to see an improvement within the first week…

And the results will only get better after that.

The program itself is 30-days…

But the reason I’m giving you a 60-day guarantee is because I want to give you some cushion…

I know you’re a busy guy… and it might take a few days for you to figure out the best time to train, get your groceries, and those kinds of things…

So I don’t want you to feel rushed…

And I certainly don’t want you to miss this opportunity to grab your copy of Back To You Blueprint today while you can for the new release discount price.

At the very least, you can buy the program now and start it whenever is best for you…

So go ahead and place your order…

Alright, so we’re getting to the close of this letter…

So I want to make your options as clear as possible.

Following workouts that don’t activate your testosterone receptors first…

Meaning you’ll always get slower results than you want or deserve…

Or trying to squeeze hour long gym sessions into your busy “dad life”…

Which you’ve tried dozens of times already…

But it never works out…

Because even if you can stick with it for a while…

You’ll eventually run out of steam…

Because commuting to the gym, long workouts, wasting money on supplements…

It’s too much for busy dads to keep up with…

And so if you take this option…

You’ll continue on the downward spiral that brought you here in the first place…

Gain belly fat… lose energy… and eventually get too tired and out of shape that you can’t be the man your family wants or needs…

Your self-confidence will get smaller and smaller while your gut and medical bills get bigger and bigger…

You’ll feel insecure around “fit” dads and husbands that make you look like a lazy sack of potatoes…

Because, well, they’re dads too but they’re in shape…

You’ll possibly grow apart from your family because you can’t be as active as you should be…

And it may even get so bad that they have to take care of you.

No man wants to become a burden to his family…

And you were made for so much more than living with one foot in the grave…

And because you’re still reading, I know you believe that’s true…

And that’s why this first option isn’t for you…

If you take this option, I wish you all the best…

But you and I both know that if you do, you’re selling yourself short…

Because the Back To You Blueprint is the only at-home program for busy dads…

That uses a three phase system to open your testosterone receptors at the very beginning of your workout…

So you can expect the best and fastest results…

And I carefully created this program and all the bonuses to help you reach your dream physique in the shortest time possible… …

You can try to go it alone…

But you’ll have to put in a lot of research and guesswork to create a program like what I’ve built out for you here…

So if you want to do that, best of luck…

But if you want everything laid out for you like your mom used to lay out your clothes when you were a kid…

In a simple format that eliminates guesswork and confusion…

Then the last option is the best one for you…

Beginning with the first 7-minute testosterone receptor activation phase…

You’ll begin to increase the activity of your testosterone receptors…

So that when you start the testosterone release phase of your workout…

You’ll flood your body with your chief muscle building and fat burning hormone…

Ramp up energy like you had as a teenager…

Feel clear and focused all day…

And have plenty of vitality left slideanim in the tank to spend time with your family and be the man you want to be.

You’ll sculpt a body that looks good with and without clothes on…

Develop true “man strength”…

And stay active with your hobbies… take on new challenges…

And finally do the physical activities you’ve always wanted to try but were never in good enough shape for.

With all this newfound muscle and energy you’ll set the pace with your kids…

Whether they’re young and like to run around at the park… or older and want to hike a mountain with you…

Your wife will love the changes she sees in you… and your rekindled passion in the bedroom and excitement for life…

Plus you’ll get all sorts of compliments everywhere else…

Because when a guy in his 20s is in shape… no one bats an eyelash…

But when a dad is holding his kids’ hands while crossing the street… and his t-shirt sleeves are hugging his biceps and he’s clearly fit…

People can’t help but stare and smile… and danger cowers away in fear…

Because you’re not the typical guy with the dad-bod…

You’re the powerful man you were created to be…

An attention getter who stands out because you refuse to settle for the “status quo”…

And life’s a lot more fun when you’re proud of your hard work… and other people take notice too…

All because you finally found a powerful program that fits into your schedule… is convenient…

And doesn’t get in the way of the important things in life…

This is the best path with the brightest future. So don’t wait any longer…

This program is for men who want to build muscle, burn fat, get fit, and be the man they were created to be… but don’t have time for the gym or prefer working out from home.

If that’s you then follow along with this powerful new at-home method and you’ll look, feel, and perform better.

Yes. It doesn’t matter if you’re 30 or 70… Back To You Blueprint is a solution for busy dads who want to get in great shape.

It’s safe on your joints. Utilizes basic movements for max results. And it crushes fat cells and builds muscle quickly… while boosting your testosterone levels to help you feel years younger.

You should begin to feel a difference within 7 days of starting the program.

In the first week, you’ll be a little sore, but that’s a good sign! That means your body isn’t used to the stimulus so it’ll be forced to adapt and change.

From there, the workouts will get easier and you’ll begin to notice improvements in the mirror. You’ll see more muscle. Belly fat will shrink. Your strength will go up and you’ll enjoy more energy without a crash.

Absolutely. When guys first start working out, their results take off like a rocket. They burn fat and build muscle fast. So if you’re a beginner, you can expect BIG results, too.

Yes. This is a great program for guys who are currently out of shape. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been out of shape your whole life or used to be in shape but then put your health and fitness on the back burner.

Beginning with the very first workout, you’ll reignite your body’s most powerful fat burning hormones, boost your metabolism, and from that point on, stay in “fat burning mode” while following the program.

No. I created this program so that anyone can pick it up, see amazing results, and then continue going through it as many times as they want… getting better every time.

It’ll be obvious inside the program. There are so many ways to keep challenging yourself that it’s hard to imagine any scenario where someone adapts to it and stops seeing results.

If it doesn’t work, just send me an email and let me know within 60-days of purchasing the program and I’ll issue a full refund.

This is a risk-free opportunity… and those don’t come around very often.

So if you don’t see the results you want, I’ll make it right. No questions asked. No hassles.

Yes. After clicking the “Add To Cart” button you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order.

All personal and credit card information will be processed safely, securely, and without compromise.

All you have to do is click the “Add To Cart” button below…

After you do that you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order…

And you’ll gain access to everything inside the program in less than 60-seconds after that.

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ATTENTION DADS… is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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