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Unidentified Over the Desert: Examining the Pentagon’s “Middle East UFO Video” #uap #investigation

Pentagon Baffled! New UFO Video Leaks (UAP, AARO, Metallic Orb, Drone Footage, Infrared, 2023 Sightings, Unexplained, Government Disclosure) Is this undeniable proof of alien life? The Pentagon just released a new video showing a UFO captured by a drone in the Middle East. This “metallic orb,” as experts describe it, has left the AARO (Airborne… Continue reading Unidentified Over the Desert: Examining the Pentagon’s “Middle East UFO Video” #uap #investigation

Unidentified Over the Pacific: Examining the Pentagon’s “Tic Tac” UFO Video (Nimitz Encounter, UAP)

Unidentified Over the Pacific: Examining the Pentagon’s “Tic Tac” UFO Video (Nimitz Encounter, Go Fast Object, UAP) The “Tic Tac” video, also known as the “Nimitz Encounter” video, is one of three declassified videos released by the Pentagon in 2017 showcasing unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) encountered by U.S. Navy pilots. This video, filmed off the… Continue reading Unidentified Over the Pacific: Examining the Pentagon’s “Tic Tac” UFO Video (Nimitz Encounter, UAP)