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Gimbal UFO: New Footage Proves Glare Rotation

Is the Gimbal UFO actually rotating? It looks like it is, but it also looks like a rotating glare. I just found there was a higher quality version of the Gimbal UFO video on the New York Times site. I downloaded it and used it to pull out details in the background that show conclusively… Continue reading Gimbal UFO: New Footage Proves Glare Rotation

Gimbal UFO: Why Does the Glare Rotate When the Horizon Does Not?

With the explanation of the Gimbal “UFO” as a rotating glare where the rotation is caused by the camera rotating, a frequent question is why does the glare rotate when the horizon is not rotating? This is quite a reasonable question – after all, if the camera was rotating, you would expect the entire scene… Continue reading Gimbal UFO: Why Does the Glare Rotate When the Horizon Does Not?