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SETI’s Groundbreaking Alien Tech Discovery – Prof. Simon Speaks Out!

In this video, Professor Simon Holland reveals a groundbreaking discovery made by SETI over 20 years ago: evidence of a technological alien civilization. Initially kept confidential, this information is now being disclosed. Holland explains how the SETI@home project, involving millions of volunteers, helped detect a non-human technological signal. Discover the astonishing details about this discovery,… Continue reading SETI’s Groundbreaking Alien Tech Discovery – Prof. Simon Speaks Out!

World Best UFO Photo ‘CALVINE’ – Prof Simon

The worlds best UFO photo was taken by two men is Scotland on the 4th Aug 1990. The Calvine UFO is regarded as the most interesting UFO photo ever taken. But it was never published in a newspaper. WHY? The UK government classified this photo a ‘SECRET’ and violating ‘NATIONAL SECURITY’. What is so SECRET… Continue reading World Best UFO Photo ‘CALVINE’ – Prof Simon

Mit Videos & Berichten – Simon & Nils suchen die UFO-Wahrheit | MoinMoin

In diesem MoinMoin wird es mystisch, wird es geheimnisvoll, wird es erstaunlich und teils auch erlogen. Simon und Nils beschäftigen sich mit Unknown Flight Objects – mit Ufos. Nach den Aussagen von Obama sowie den Stellungnahmen des Pentagons hat die Suche nach Aliens neues Feuer gekriegt, alte wie neue Videos werden untersucht, widerlegt oder interessiert… Continue reading Mit Videos & Berichten – Simon & Nils suchen die UFO-Wahrheit | MoinMoin

Turn UFO witness reports into – A.I. Video – Prof Simon

UFO witness reports, often do not have video. Using NEW A.I. video generation, it is now possible to visualise what these people encountered. Good news for TV news stories and UAP researchers. Please suggest you favourite encounters, and we can try to add accurate images to the record of the encounter. email me :… Continue reading Turn UFO witness reports into – A.I. Video – Prof Simon