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UFOs Spotted At Machu Picchu | Alien Footage | UFO Footage | Documentary | TUU

Peru has become legendary to both explorers and scientists alike as one of the most mysterious places on Earth. No where is the evidence so strong that a technologically advanced culture existed on earth in our ancient past, and in many cases evidence here may point to possible extraterrestrial influences that have shaped human history.… Continue reading UFOs Spotted At Machu Picchu | Alien Footage | UFO Footage | Documentary | TUU

Do Russia’s Nukes Attract Aliens? | Full Alien UFO Documentary | Soviet UFO’s | TUU

In this film, you will join Italian UFO investigator Georgio Bongiovanni and his camera crew as they meet with high-ranking Russian military officials and former KGB agents at the Russian Anti-Aircraft Academy of Defense in Tver, Russia. This program reveals shocking evidence from the Russian military and the Russian space program, which proves that there… Continue reading Do Russia’s Nukes Attract Aliens? | Full Alien UFO Documentary | Soviet UFO’s | TUU