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Thousands Of People Saw This During The Total Solar Eclipse But Couldn’t Explain What It Was

Thousands of people saw this during the Total Solar Eclipse but couldn’t explain what it was. Many people saw this during the total solar eclipse but couldn’t explain what it was.

As of right now, many people are saying that the Total Solar Eclipse delivered, but not in the way that some expected.

Thousands of people have uploaded mysterious photographs showing unidentified objects.

Videos were posted to the UFO subreddit, where others shared their personal experience about witnessing mysterious objects during the total solar eclipse.

Interestingly, some suggested that there wasn’t any particular spike in sightings, but explained that due to more eyes being on the sky, more people were able to capture evidence of strange objects.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
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Thousands Of People Saw This During The Total Solar Eclipse But Couldn’t Explain What It Was

72918 , 2024-04-09 17:34:07 , 00:14:57



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