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UFO´s At The Door of the Gods on La Peña de Juaica, Colombia

The “Door of the Gods” on La Peña de Juaica in Colombia is a location associated with various UFO sightings and paranormal phenomena. La Peña de Juaica is a large rock formation near the town of Suesca, known for its cultural and spiritual significance among indigenous peoples in the region.

Reports of UFO sightings and strange occurrences around La Peña de Juaica have been documented over the years. Some visitors claim to have witnessed unidentified flying objects entering or exiting the area, leading to speculation about the existence of a “doorway” or portal to other dimensions or worlds.

However, like many UFO-related phenomena, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims, and the sightings are often attributed to natural or man-made causes, misidentifications, or hoaxes. Despite this, La Peña de Juaica remains a popular destination for UFO enthusiasts and spiritual seekers intrigued by its mysterious reputation.
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UFO´s At The Door of the Gods on La Peña de Juaica, Colombia

0 , 2024-03-03 16:00:12 , 00:07:08




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