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Wikileaks UFO video I released revisited, My mistake

I posted a UFO Video I thought to be issued with the Wikileaks UFO Cable, Earlier today i found out the truth. I Made this video to show the truth about the video. It was from Early Russia. However the Wikileaks influence was brought on by someone reporting and using this footage because it synced so well with the Cable itself. However it could be the footage discussed, i cannot confirm. And will keep looking for the wikileaks cable footage.

Freedom of information legislation are rules that guarantee access to data held by the state. They establish a “right-to-know” legal process by which requests may be made for government-held information, to be received freely or at minimal cost, barring standard exceptions. Also variously referred to as open records or (especially in the United States) sunshine laws, governments are also typically bound by a duty to publish and promote openness. In many countries there are constitutional guarantees for the right of access to information, but usually these are unused if specific support legislation does not exist. mn
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Wikileaks UFO video I released revisited, My mistake

148822 , 2011-03-16 08:34:37 , 00:04:33




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