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4 Amazing UFO videos and a lunar tower, spire in NASA image @ufonews1

So, get this! In Brazil, there was this crazy thunderstorm, right? And guess what? People actually saw a UFO disk that looked like a freakin’ halo behind a cloud! Can you believe it? But wait, it gets even better. Down in South America, a bunch of folks saw not one, not two, but SIX orange and glowing UFO orbs just chillin’ above the sea. Talk about a sight to see!

Full story:

But hold on, there’s more! NASA captured an image of what looks like a lunar tower or spire on the moon. Yeah, you heard me right. And it was this guy named Mark Sawalha who brought it to everyone’s attention. Pretty cool, huh?

Oh, and let’s not forget about the black disk craft that was spotted flying low over a coastal mountain. Some people think it might be a CGI thing, but who knows? It’s still pretty mind-boggling.

All in all, these four crazy anomalies have got people all around the world scratching their heads.

Send your UFO reports to me through Instagram DMs where you can send videos and photos. @ufosightingsfootage is my handle 🙏🏻


UFO Sightings Footage Keywords:
#ufosfootage #ufosightingsfootage #ufosighting #ufosightings #ufonews #orbs #ufofootage #extraterrestrial #aliens #ufoキャッチャー #strange

1. UFO
2. Aliens
3. Extraterrestrial
4. Abduction
5. Disclosure
6. Roswell
7. Area 51
8. Ancient Aliens
9. Close Encounters
10. Men in Black
11. UFO Madness
12. ufosfootage

Thank you for following me, sharing and liking the UFO sightings that I share. I truly appreciate your time. You guys make everything worthwhile.

Credit: Mark Sawalha/NASA/Aliens Are Already Here Pinterest/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO Sightings/Ufosfootage/Canva.
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4 Amazing UFO videos and a lunar tower, spire in NASA image @ufonews1

35 , 2024-01-04 21:31:21 , 00:02:03




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