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George Knapp & Jeremy Corbell REVEAL Classified UFO Image

Patrick watches, reacts and discusses George Knapp & Jeremy Corbell’s “Chandelier” UFO Image they revealed in a TMZ Special titled UFO Revolution streaming on TUBI (Link Below). Also… response to my video yesterday (Link Below), Former Wrestler turned Politician Jon Stewart (Not The Comedian) has responded and wants an interview on Vetted so we can… Continue reading George Knapp & Jeremy Corbell REVEAL Classified UFO Image

4 Amazing UFO videos and a lunar tower, spire in NASA image @ufonews1

So, get this! In Brazil, there was this crazy thunderstorm, right? And guess what? People actually saw a UFO disk that looked like a freakin’ halo behind a cloud! Can you believe it? But wait, it gets even better. Down in South America, a bunch of folks saw not one, not two, but SIX orange… Continue reading 4 Amazing UFO videos and a lunar tower, spire in NASA image @ufonews1