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Evidence Google YouTube Censoring UAP UFO Videos

Six months ago in late July 2023, I uploaded this composite video of astronomer J Allen Hynek stating very plainly that, by way of Project Blue Book, the US Air Force deliberately misinformed the nation’s media regarding the UFO phenomenon so as to avoid exciting the public. They did this by emphasizing only the cases which they could easily dismiss with conventional explanation and by hiding those they could not.

To confirm this, here is how the clip opened and you can follow this link to see the original video.

A few days ago a channel subscriber privately advised that this key contribution, which also features astronomer and UFOlogist Jacques VeLAY, was being censored by the technique now dubbed View Count Decimation.

In the early morning hours, the subscriber would check the view count and then come back in the afternoon to notice that all those views accumulated the previous evening and night had been, as he put it: “wiped out, obliterated, eradicated.”

Given recent Navy and Air Force whistleblower testimony to Congress on UFOs, this kind of ham-handed censorship would only increase public suspicion and outrage, not quell it.

To prove to both skeptics and trolls that this is happening, I started recording daily evidence of the count’s rise and fall… which I present now on the right, while the rest of the original video plays on the left.

This channel has 5445 subscribers, but once again around noon on 29 February the views that had accumulated over night were stripped from this landmark video in an effort to discourage humans from researching the details of Disclosure.

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Evidence Google YouTube Censoring UAP UFO Videos

9 , 2024-02-29 18:41:28 , 00:04:41




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