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What’s Next—the Men in Black? Why Is the Government Studying UFOs? | Mick West

Why Is the Government Studying UFOs? In this talk, UFO expert Mick West explains everything.

Congressional and Senate UFO hearings have been held for the first time in over fifty years. The Pentagon announced the formation of a task force to study UFOs and find out what they really are. How did we get here, what is the Pentagon doing, and what does it mean for the future of UFOlogy?

Mick West is the author of Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect. A retired software engineer, he is the creator of the site Metabunk, which utilizes crowdsourcing and technical analysis to investigate UFO cases. West uses his background in coding 3D graphics, physics, and linear algebra—honed by decades in the videogame industry—to create custom tools to recreate, simulate, visualize, and analyze UFO videos.
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What’s Next—the Men in Black? Why Is the Government Studying UFOs? | Mick West

65 , 2024-02-01 08:00:00 , 00:26:49



Mick West,mick west studies ufos,csicon,csicon 2023,mick west ufos,Why Is the Government Studying UFOs,Senate UFO hearings,ufos,uaps,UFOlogy?,the future of ufos,the future of ufologoy

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