
OVNI Filmado ao Amanhecer na Holanda UFO Filmed at Sunrise in the Netherlands

MUNDO OVNI, UFO News, ufo documentary, Avistamento de OVNIS, UAPs, UFO Sightings, UFO, OVNIS, OVNIs Julho, UFO August, UFO July, OVNIs Agosto, OVNIs 2024, UFO 2024, Fenônenos Aéreos, Viral Videos, OVNI Hoje, Discos Voadores, Ufologia, UAP, UFOs Sightings 2024, UFO Today, Os Melhores Avistamentos de OVNIS, The Best UFO Sightings, The Best UFO Videos, UFO… Continue reading OVNI Filmado ao Amanhecer na Holanda UFO Filmed at Sunrise in the Netherlands

4 BAD ASS UFO Sightings!@ [Netherlands Flying Saucer] [Morphing UFO Ontario] [Metallic Craft] 2015

4 NEW! BAD ASS UFO Sightings!@ [Netherlands Flying Saucer] [Morphing UFO Ontario] [Metallic Craft] [Mothership Encounter] JUST IN WITHIN 24 HOURS ! THINGS ARE HEATING UP! Share This Link! Breaking News 4 UFO Videos From Around The World Just In!!! Richard Black morphing ufo seen in Kaatsheuvel , The Netherlands , july 17 2015. Lynn… Continue reading 4 BAD ASS UFO Sightings!@ [Netherlands Flying Saucer] [Morphing UFO Ontario] [Metallic Craft] 2015

OVNI Avistado na Holanda UFO Sighted in the Netherlands

@descobertaufo DESCOBERTA UFO, Misterios da Internet Oficial, UFO, OVNIS, НЛО, उफौ, 飛碟, ユーフォー, Avistamento de OVNIS, UFO Sighting, UAPs, UFO, OVNIS, OVNIs Abril, UFO April, UFO May, OVNIs Maio, #OVNI, #UFO, Melhores Vídeos de OVNIs, The Best UFO Videos, MUFON, НЛО, उफौ, 飛碟, ユーフォー, OVNI 2023, UFO 2023, UFO 2024, OVNIs 2024, Viral Videos, UFO… Continue reading OVNI Avistado na Holanda UFO Sighted in the Netherlands

OVNIs Vistos na Holanda UFOs Seen in the Netherlands

@descobertaufo DESCOBERTA UFO, Misterios da Internet Oficial, UFO, OVNIS, НЛО, उफौ, 飛碟, ユーフォー, Avistamento de OVNIS, UFO Sighting, UAPs, UFO, OVNIS, OVNIs Abril, UFO April, UFO May, OVNIs Maio, #OVNI, #UFO, Melhores Vídeos de OVNIs, The Best UFO Videos, MUFON, НЛО, उफौ, 飛碟, ユーフォー, OVNI 2023, UFO 2023, UFO 2024, OVNIs 2024, Viral Videos, UFO… Continue reading OVNIs Vistos na Holanda UFOs Seen in the Netherlands

UFO over Groningen, Netherlands.

Witness description: “I was on my way to the car with my girlfriend, when we suddenly saw a bright moving light up in the sky. It wasn’t an airplane, and it sure wasn’t a satellite. This object was changing speed constantly (from fast to slow to fast, etc.) and wasn’t moving in a straight line.… Continue reading UFO over Groningen, Netherlands.

Blown Away! Netherlands HD UFO Video! Sacramento UFO VANISHED On Camera 2016

Unexpected UFO Sighting! Netherlands HD UFO Video! Sacramento UFO VANISHED On Camera 2016 Blood Moon rising Rotterdam Netherlands 16-10-2016 Richard Original Link The flight paths of the objects where clearly not of planes and I don’t think anyone uses drones like that in the area. Next to this. I’m filming from under the flight… Continue reading Blown Away! Netherlands HD UFO Video! Sacramento UFO VANISHED On Camera 2016